Allez Samba Rio

Allez Samba RIO

Samba Masterclasses with Tati Rosa in France

Samba Masterclasses avec Tati Rosa en France

BLOG Samba Masterclasses with Tati Rosa in France Muse of the Imperatriz Samba school, Rainha da Bateria of the Rocinha School, Finalist of the Rio Carnival Court Competition. Samba teacher for the Passistas project in Rocinha. Tati Rosa is a complete artist. Sunday, June 2 in Bordeaux From 2 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.: Beginner-level workshop.Breakdown […]

Samba Course Schedule

Alessandra Cabral, instructeur Allez Samba Rio, devant le Pain de Sucre - Allez Samba Rio instructor Alessandra Cabral in front of Sugar Loaf

BLOG Samba Courses Schedule SAMBA COURSES in Paris and Bordeaux with Alessandra Cabral Samba courses on Saturday, April 13 in Paris From 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.: Beginners course. Introduction to samba – breaking down samba steps, learning the rhythm, working on the hips, lady styling, transition, and break steps. Learning sequence of steps. From […]

Where does Brazilian samba come from?

BLOG What is Brazilian Samba?  Samba ‘s history: Samba is an iconic Brazilian musical genre and dance that emerged at the end of the 19th century in the popular neighborhoods of Rio de Janeiro. The history of samba is closely linked to the history of Brazil, especially the history of Afro-Brazilian culture. The origins of samba […]

What to do in Rio during your vacation

BLOG What to do in Rio during your vacation Rio de Janeiro is known for its extravagant carnival and dazzling natural beauty, is one of the most visited cities in Brazil. With a rich cultural history and many tourist attractions, Rio de Janeiro is a great place for those looking to relax and explore. Tourist […]

Rio’s Carnival parade. How does it work?

BLOG how do Samba schools parade in Rio? Can I parade? Can tourists parade at Rio Carnival? The answer is yes. But how? For a few years now, samba schools have understood the desire of tourists to take part in the biggest open-air party in the world: the Carnival! But you should know that the […]

Interview with Nicolas Fabre

BLOG Interview with Nicolas Fabre Allez Samba Rio takes you behind the scenes of Nicolas Fabre’s passion: The Rio Carnival.    Allez Samba Rio: When did your passion for Brazil start? And why? Being always passionate about geography, I was attracted quite early by Brazil. Some movies like The Man from Rio (which I recommend […]

Get your tickets to Rio’s samba parade

how to get tickets to Rio's parade

BLOG Buy tickets to Rio’s Carnival parade Which areas to buy to be well positioned? Where to buy tickets for the Sambodromo? How to get to the Sambodromo? The Rio Carnival has become one of the biggest popular festivals in the world. It is the biggest open-air show. The colors, the dance, the music, the […]

The budget of a traveler in Rio

BLOG The Budget of a Traveller in Rio Travelling yes, but at what cost ? It’s necessary to know that the budget differ according to countries, seasons, cities and events. Today, we propose a study about the average budget of a traveler in Rio for a short duration (1 at 2 weeks). Leaving… The most expensive […]

The Botanic Garden of Rio de Janeiro

BLOG Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden A natural little piece of heaven nested at the heart of a metropolis ? It is possible. The botanic garden of Rio is considered as one of the places to be visited at least once during a stay in the tourist capital of Brazil. Here is a small overview […]

Festivals in Brazil

BLOG Festivals in Brazil Carnivals and the olympics games of Rio are not the only big events which take place in Brazil. This week, Allez Samba Rio make you discover about some of the numerous festivals which gather thousands of people every year in Brazil. Luau Festival If you are an amateur of reggaetton, rock […]