Allez Samba Rio

Allez Samba RIO
Allez Samba Rio


How to become a carioca in a few lessons

How to become a carioca in a few lessons

You are preparing an imminent journey in Brazil and more particularly in the famous ” cidade maravilhosa ” or you just wish to simply immerse yourself in the life of an inhabitant of Rio de Janeiro? Here is some advice to become a real carioca in only few days …

First of all what is the etymology of the word CARIOCA?

The Tupis are native autochthonous Amerindians who lived formerly on the Brazilian coast, today there are only some tribes of these people but they left an important track in the life of the Brazilians as for example the word ” carioca ” or more exactly: kara’ iwa (” the white man “) and oka (” the house “), which together thus mean ” the house of the white man. ” The Indians began to use the expression shortly after the foundation of Rio de Janeiro, to refer to the city, but the nickname for the residents of Rio only began to be used at the beginning of the XVIIIth century.
Being carioca is very simple, you just have to be…
PROUD… The inhabitants of Rio are proud to be cariocas, proud to be Brazilian. It is one of the first things which you will notice if it is not already noticed, the Brazilian pride is even stronger than what you were able to see during events such as the world cup or the olympics games. Then an advice, bring your havaianas and your green and yellow flags !
PATIENT… Certainly Rio is a big city with many activities, but the inhabitants are not in a hurry. That you are waiting in line to the restaurant or to the cash register of Pão of Açúcar or another supermarket, there is no need to run, you will find the Brazilians relaxed well maybe a little too much in comparison with the Parisian running ! You will get used to it, you may even adopt a behavior cooler than ever at the end of your stay.
EXCEPT BY CAR… which are very numerous! Bicycle paths invade the streets of Rio but the car and the public transportation remains majority. And what a majority! Horns ring in the rush hours and the traffic is already important at 8am. Be careful with the traffic lights, which pass in the red more rarely than in the green, and when it passes in the green, it is only for a few seconds then do not hesitate! A carioca does not comply with the rules of lights: he crosses wherever he likes, at top speed. You will notice that in certain places, crosswalks become rare: you will become used to it and at the end of a few days in the city, you will circulate without fear or anxiety in accordance with cars, carioca estilo de vida.
PARTY PEOPLE… The carioca likes going out in the evening. And not only. Throughout the day you can find diverse activities whether it is on beaches or in town. Note that the carioca cannot live without music: wherever you are, you can hear Brazilian music. In the evening, the carioca likes sharing a dinner to the restaurant, or going to the cinema, having a drink in a boteco or go dancing in the trendiest clubs or still in the district of Lapa where are situated bars and restaurants, the very heart of Rio. If you want too you can simply feast on the beaches of Ipanema or Copacabana, in the most idyllic settings. Pay attention to the way you dress: to melt you in the night-mass, avoid havaianas during the nights and favor the smart casual side relaxed by cariocas.
SPORTIVE… Or at least like the sport. Or still like watching it. Cariocas is known to be amateur of sport and credit note of the sculptured bodies, in the perfect silhouettes. Feel reassured, you will not feel excluded among cariocas. As in quite different cities, you will find every types. But the sport is nevertheless an element mattering in the life of the carioca. The soccer obviously, but not only, the tennis, the swimming … Go find your soul competitor by participating to a game of beach volleyball or by taking lessons of surfing! The dance goes into this category considering its importance in this country and in view of the fact that it is the very essence of the Rio carnival every year with the competitions of Samba.

« BON VIVANT »… Cariocas likes the good food and the healthy food. Amateurs of fruits and products 100 % natural, this city will be your paradise. Everybody will find what he is looking for there.

IN A NUTSHELL … Be yourself, cariocas are open people who like sharing their culture with the tourists and the foreigners, this mixed and warm country has a lot to offer and it will doubtless be one of your most beautiful experiences, enriching at every level. And Ladies, don’t be ashamed to have a walk in bikini on the beach.
To be sure to imbue completely the Brazilian & carioca culture, let ALLEZ SAMBA RIO accompanies you throughout your stay with the various tours and the activities totalmente carioca!

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