Allez Samba Rio


A Brazilian Paradise

On the rhythm of the jungle and the ocean…Direction ” Ilha Grande “. A small island about 29 kilometers long and 11,8 kilometers wide only 3 hours from Rio de Janeiro. In the conclusion: Change of scene and total perdition.


Situated on its north coast, Vila do Abraão is the main urban area. It is here that begins the adventure, a wide choice of accommodations (pousada, camping, rent of houses) and restaurants offers itself to you as soon as your arrival on the island. The most used accommodations are the pousadas (guesthouse), from the dormitory to the privatized room full of comfort.

Flourishing flora, monkey shouts and bird singings, the context is convenient for baths and hikes. The inhabitants move by feet or bicycle, none cars on the island. But no panic! To spare hours of walking through the rain forest, water taxis will drive you on the most beautiful beaches.


Lopes Mendes is one of the most beautiful of Brazil. A landscape to take the breath away there. Your only concern will be to float and to swim in a clear and crystal clear water.

Thanks to its geographical richness “Ilha Grande” proposes a whole of nautical and ground activities, for all the ages and all the interests: fishing, boat trip, hiking / trekking, scuba diving, surfing, bike, kayak, stand up paddle …

Right here you are well trained and ready to go to the Cachoeira da Feiticeira (The Waterfall of the charmer). A waterfall of 15 meters high! Ideal to chill and why not have a short nap. After all, it will be deserved !

Between cocooning and bars atmospheres, the village is still awake and the evening continues. A dinner in front of the sea, walk around souvenir shops or simply to stretch out on the sand, to admire stars and listen to the noise of waves.













Special hikers:

For the hikers and nature lover it’s a must see. You can leave the city of Abraão to go to Lopes Mendes via Palmas and Palminhas. Two hours and a half of hiking in the heart of the tropical forest. Average level for sportsmen.

The second nice hike to do is the one of the ” Feiticeira waterfall” , two hours of walk and climbing. The level is a little higher.

Still full of other things to be seen and to do in Ilha Grande! We advise you to plan a minimum stay from 3 to 4 nights.

To go on this island exists a combination: Bus + boat. But the time of route can vary according to the place of departure of the boat.

The “Allez Samba Rio” agency can manage everything for you.

Don’t miss this paradise !

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