Allez Samba Rio

Allez Samba RIO
Allez Samba Rio

” Salvador historic name: São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos (in English: “City of the Holy Savior of the Bay of all Saints”) is the largest city on the northeastern coast of Brazil and the capital of the Northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia.

Salvador is also known as Brazil’s capital of happiness due to its countless popular outdoor parties, including its street carnival. It is the first colonial capital of Brazil and the oldest of the Americas.

The city of Salvador is notable in Brazil for its cuisine, music and architecture, and its metropolitan area is the wealthiest in Brazil’s Northeast region. The African influence in many cultural aspects of the city makes it the center of African-Brazilian culture.

The Historic Center of Salvador, frequently called the “Pelourinho“, is renowned for its Portuguese colonial architecture with historical monuments dating from the 17th to the 19th centuries and was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1985.

Salvador has a tropical rain forest climate. Temperatures are relatively constant throughout the course of the year, featuring warm and humid conditions.” (wikepedia)

You will enjoy african-brazilian culture, learn how to play instruments with traditional samba-reggae groups and take african-brazilian dance classes. All of this while visiting the city.

So Welcome to Salvador!