Allez Samba Rio

Allez Samba RIO
Allez Samba Rio

The History of Samba:

“Samba is a brazilian dance and musical genre originated from Bahia, Brazil, and with its roots from Africa through the West african slave trade and african religious traditions. It is recognized around the world as a symbol of Brazil and brazilian carnival. Considered one of the most popular brazilian cultural expressions, samba has become an icon of brazilian national identity. The “Samba de Roda” from Bahia, which became a UNESCO Heritage of Humanity in 2005, is the main root of the samba carioca, the samba that is played and danced in Rio de Janeiro. Traditionally, samba is played by strings (cavaquinho and various types of guitar) and various percussion instruments such as tamborim”. (Definition from Wikipedia)

Samba is a Brazilian national identity.